Is that a bubble, bobble or a buoy?

Great Sunday morning spent going to Waldrigfield and then back to the Wilford Bridge and home.

The first outing for our ‘Bubble’ post lockdown and the first outing for the coxes new ‘Bobble’ hat that seriously weighed us down but had been kindly knitted in the club colours.

We were joined by Alec Newland for his first outing in Whisstock and a welcome member of the club.

Brownie cookings were enjoyed by the crew at Methersgate who need to seriously start planning what they do once Tilly takes her baking skills back to Uni!

Perils of a ley shore

A few pictures from yesterday’s bubble outing. It was the first time that new member Simon has joined in and the first time for John as cox. We experienced a big contrast in the two sides of the river but had a lovely Coffee at Waldringfield.

A lee shore found us stuck at the Maybush pub for a while but lunch on the beach at the Tips was nothing but tranquil.

First post lockdown (3) row!

The weather was perfect but the launch slightly delayed following a comment on how easily the boat moved following inflation of the tyres and greasing the axels. Fortunately the clip that was retaining the wheel before it fell off was readily found and a wheel running on a mixture of dirt and grease still rolls quite well.

Nothing too adventurous for the first row just a trip up to Bromeswell Common for lunch. Following an enforced period of mostly solitary activity just being together on our lovely river was enough and made it a memorable trip. Looking forward to many more.

Spooky Halloween Outing

This is by far the roughest conditions our ‘Bubble’ have been out in. The waves lapped the bow and somewhat interfered with our Halloween cupcakes but it was good experience to work with the wind and tide.

Despite the difficult conditions we managed to launch and retrieve Whissock with relative ease and had a really good time. No stopping at the pub this time but we did have a nice time in Martlesham Creek where the water was much more sheltered.

We are looking forward to be going back on the water after lockdown, who knows what Christmas treats Tilly might cook for us!

Happy Halloween!

When the chips are down!

I bet Whisstock never thought that its most important piece of safety kit would be a bottle of anti-bac!

Rowing in these complicated covid times has its challenges but it was nice to spend most of Saturday 17th October on the water away from all the news bulletins and extreme signage.

Our bubble (Lyn, Kate, Andy, David, Tilly & Jacq) rowed down to Ramsholt against wind and tide where we tied up on a convenient buoy to refuel (thank you Tilly for the homemade brownies). We then took advantage of the ever rising tide to make way to Waldringfield where we had a quick loo stop and grabbed six boxes of chips before losing the beach, which we ate tied up to another buoy with a Waldringfield Sailing Club race going on around us. There appeared to be more concern over missing ketchup sachets than the rapidly approaching sailing dinghies helmed by what looked like 7 year olds!!

It might take a bit more thought and time to get out on the water these days but it is a lovely way to get away from it all.

September jaunt to the Wilford Bridge

Covid has been difficult and restricting but at last British Rowing have allowed coastal rowing to resume providing that the crews stay together in a bubble.

So here is our ‘Bubble’ enjoying a late afternoon row to the Wilford Bridge on the 9th September. Not exactly coastal conditions for Steve Smith’s inaugural row but it was lovely to enjoy the clam of the Deben once again.

Post Lockdown Paddle

The first row of 2020 after a few previous attempts thwarted by strong winds. We rowed down to Waldringfield against the flood tide and crossed the river to The Hams to step ashore for lunch. Returning to Woodbridge we continued upstream to get a nostalgic view of Whisstock’s birthplace in the Longshed and returned to the DYC. The proficiency of the rowers showed that nothing had been forgotten in the past 7 months! Looking forward to the next one.

AGM – 25 October 2019

The first annual general meeting took place in the Longshed on Friday 25th October. Fifteen of the clubs 18 members attended and discussed many different subjects ranging from the official election of the committee, ‘Whisper’ the second skiff, safety and fundraising.

It was pleasing to see how far the club has come in such a short space of time and how much more confident everyone is with handling ‘Whisstock’. Last years committee have worked hard to get all of the documentation in place and to make sure that the skiff is on the water as much as possible.

David, Beryl, David and Chris
Half of Julian (Captain!), Fiona (Treasurer), Cathie (Secretary) and Mike (Chair)
Brain, Liz, John and Myles

Wind, tide and Morris Men!

On a very windy Saturday Morning in September – Jacq, Fiona, Andy, Chris and David prepared Whisstock to take to the water.

Using the DYC dingy park to remove the cover and frame and set things up is proving to be excellent. There is plenty of space and maneuvering the skiff up the hill and down the slipway is surprisingly easy.

Caro and Brian had come to see us set off and take the photographs below which was a lovely send off.

With winds gusting up to 38 mph the crew slowly made their way along the tourist section to Kyson Beach with much waving from people walking along the exposed pathway. The first plan was to see what it was like in the Martlesham Creek but this proved to be almost impossible with a strong headwind so we turned around and headed back up stream.

To our great surprise we were able to hover around the Tide Mill and watch a group of Morris Men perform outside The Longshed. They seemed very pleased to see us as very few pedestrians had braved the day.

It’s nice to know that we can still have a paddle on the days when others aren’t brave enough to take to the water.

Thanks Crew

Seeing August out from the DYC

On Friday ‘Whisstock’ was moved from the Longshed to her new home at the DYC where she now sits in the back dinghy park proudly wearing her new cover.

On Saturday, she was immediately taken out again by Beryl, Caro, Chris, Jacq, Jo, and Myles who had a nice outing up to Wilford Bridge and back again against the tide. The group found it very easy to launch and retrieve her from the DYC slip and skillfully managed to avoid all the yacht racing that was going on at the same time.

Big thanks to Julian for fitting a jockey wheel to the trolley as it made the route to the waters edge very easy.

Searching for the DYC at high water